November/December Newsletter for Camp Mohave
As we move into December, it is easy to lose focus on school. Make sure that you emphasize the importance of working hard these last couple of weeks before the winter break. Thank you for everything you do.
Remember, there is no school for the rest of this week in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Enjoy your holidays!
Thank you everyone that helped/participated with FME's Turkey Trot. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Camp Mohave would like to tell everyone to have an amazing Thanksgiving break (11-23 to 11-25). We will see everyone back here on the 28th. Thank you for being a part of our school. #CoyotesROCK
Turkey Trot tomorrow at FME! If you are competing, be sure to have safe attire for the event. The ground may still be wet!
Thanks for all the students for their ROCKin behavior at our assembly this morning. Congratulations to all the winners. Keep on ROCKin at Camp Mohave. #CoyotesROCK
Four more school days until Thanksgiving break! Let's make sure we maintain good attendance and get those dollars in for the Turkey Trot next Tuesday at FME!
Day 5 of Thanks - Thank you to our amazing PTO and the super businesses that supported our Muffins with Mom day at Camp Mohave. CMESPTO, Java Jitters, Sweet Studio, and Smith's all ROCK. #CoyotesROCK
FME welcomes everyone back from their 3-day weekend. Parent Show & Tell tomorrow, and be looking for information about our Turkey Trot on November 22!
Remember, we have no school tomorrow. Enjoy the long weekend, and thank a Veteran for their service!
Do you need to prepare for the teenage years? YES! Mark your calendars to learn how. This is happening next week!
FME wishes everyone a safe and happy Veteran's Day weekend. See you all Monday!
Day 4 of Thanks - Camp Mohave wants to thank the support staff (secretaries, lunch ladies, paras, custodians, etc.) working every day to improve the education that our students receive. You all ROCK!
FME reminds you that there is no school on Friday in honor of Veteran's Day. Thursday will go on as usual, even with ROCK It Club!
Muffins with moms is approaching. On Tuesday November 15 - Camp Mohave's PTO will be hosting Muffins with Moms in the CMES Gym. We hope to see everyone there. #CMEPTOROCKS
Camp Mohave Wants to remind parents that there will be no school on Friday for Veteran's Day. We hope everyone has a great 3 day weekend.
Day 3 of Thanks - Camp Mohave wants to thank the teachers who work hard every day to change the world one child at a time. #TeachersROCK #MohaveValleySchoolsROCK
FME's Parent Show & Tell is November 15. If you would like to participate, be sure to let your child's teacher know ASAP!
Day 2 of Thanks - Parents we want to thank you for allowing us to work with your children and for the support you provide the school each day. All of you ROCK. #CoyotesROCK #MohaveValleySchoolsROCK