Camp Mohave wants to say welcome back to all the students. We are excited to continue the school year and see what amazing things we can accomplish by working together as a team. #CoyotesROCK
Welcome Elizabeth Thies, Mohave Valley's new Transportation Dispatcher. Liz is no stranger to the team, as she's driven a bus with the district before accepting this new position. Welcome Liz!
Just a reminder: There is no school tomorrow, January 2nd. See everyone on Tuesday!
Merry Christmas! Santa spotted this "sleigh" sporting a ROCK decal. If it's yours, give your school a call in January to claim your present!
Mohave Valley Schools bids a fond farewell to Transportation Dispatcher Lyn Tomlin, who is retiring. Best of luck in your new journey!
Thank you Camp Mohave students, families, and staff for a great first semester. We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday January 3rd. Have a wonderful break. #CoyotesROCK
There are some school calendars out there that don't show the Teacher Work Day on January 6th. Please see the calendar posted under Documents for the correct version. There is no school on January 2nd or 6th.
Remember, FME's Quarter Awards Assembly today. Times are as follows:
2nd Grade: 8:15
PK: 8:45
1st Grade: 9:15
Kinder: 10:15
Polar Express Theme Day at FME tomorrow. Free dress and school appropriate shoes. Polar Express dress is encouraged! Quarter 2 awards as well!
FME thanks everyone that came out to Jingle Bell ROCK Night on Tuesday. It ROCKed! Thank you to everyone that made it possible :).
Thank you to the families that attended our program last night. After seeing the amazing support for our students, we will have to plan for a bigger venue next year. Thank you again for coming out and supporting the kids.
Attending ASBA New School Board Member Training with Mr. Barber. Great day of learning! #MohaveValleySchoolsROCK! #ASBARookie
Don't forget... Jingle Bell ROCK Night is tomorrow from 6 to 7:30 at Fort Mojave Elementary. Bring your Christmas hats!
CMES wants to let parents know that the dance that was scheduled for December 15 is being postponed at this time.
All other calendared events are currently still scheduled.
Thank you
Thank you to the parents and families that were able to attend PTO's craft night at Camp Mohave. It was nice to see everyone making Christmas themed items and enjoying cooking and cocoa. #PTOROCKS
Just a reminder: Cookie Dough pickup will be in the FME gym tomorrow 1:30-2:30. Jingle Bell ROCK Night is December 13, 6 o'clock!
CMES would like to thank all the kids for their efforts on DIBELS testing today. We saw a lot of growth and appreciate the efforts that both parents and kids have made to make this possible. Tomorrow is free dress day for students that completed DIBELS today at Camp Mohave.
Camp Mohave would like to remind parents that we have benchmark tests and winter DIBELS scheduled for next week. It's important that your child is at school, gets enough sleep, and has a good breakfast as we take these tests.
Camp Mohave would like to remind everyone that we have our regularly scheduled ROCK assembly tomorrow at 8. We would love to see everyone there. If you can't make this one, we will have another on the 16th.
It's hard to believe tomorrow brings us into December already! December 13: save the date! FME will be hosting a family night. Information to come!