Student Focused! Future Driven.
Mohave Valley School District
8450 S. Olive Ave.
Mohave Valley, Arizona 86440
Title IX Administrative Process, Procedures and Forms
Administrator Instructions, Process, and Forms
Once the Formal Complaint form is returned, the Title IX Coordinator mails the Notice of Written Formal Complaint within 10 days.
Title IX Coordinator: Review the Title IX Coordinator Checklist.
Title IX Coordinator assigns the Investigator and the Decision Maker.
Investigator and Decision Maker Provide all records to the Title IX Coordinator for record-keeping.
Title IX Coordinator
Keep all records for seven (7) years.
Title IX Investigator Process, Procedures, and Forms
Administrator Instructions, Process, and Forms
Title IX Coordinator assigns the Investigator and the Decision Maker.
Investigator -Between 10-20 days
Review the Investigator Checklist.
Arrange and Notice the Complainant, Respondent, and Witnesses a date, time, and location to interview each.
Complete a Summary of Interview for each separate interview.
Identify and obtain documents or other evidence necessary for investigation.
Cannot compel medical, counseling, or psychiatric documents. Obtain written consent if the party does want to share those documents.
Send each party, his/her advisor, and his/her parent a copy of the Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Prepare the documents for disclosure.
Redact any confidential information (social security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, student identification numbers, grade levels...) and everything not related to the investigation from the evidence.
Change any student names to: Student A, B, C; Peer A, B, C; Witness A, B, C. Redact any non-relevant information from evidence (for example, if you have counseling records, redact anything not related to the issues in the formal complaint).
Once the signed non-disclosure agreements are submitted (from all parties and their advisors), AT THE SAME TIME send a copy of all evidence related to the allegation(s) to the parties and their advisors (if any).
Wait (10) days after the Non-Disclosure Agreement was received for either party to send any written responses to the relevant evidence.
Gather any additional evidence if needed.
Draft the Investigative Report.
Submit the Investigative Report to both parties and the Decision Maker.
Investigator and Decision Maker Provide all records to the Title IX Coordinator for record-keeping.
Title IX Decision Maker Process, Procedures, and Forms
Administrator Instructions, Process, and Forms
Title IX Coordinator assigns the Investigator and the Decision Maker.
Investigator -Between 10-20 days
Submit the Investigative Report to both parties and the Decision Maker.
Decision Maker
Review and follow the Decision Maker Checklist.
Provide both parties written notification that they can submit written, relevant questions that the party wants asked of any party or witness no later than 10 days after receipt of the investigation report.
Complete written Determination of Responsibility and send a copy to both parties and a copy to Title IX Coordinator.
Investigator and Decision Maker Provide all records to the Title IX Coordinator for record-keeping.
Title IX The Complete Process, Procedures, and Forms
Administrator Instructions, Process, and Forms
Once the Formal Complaint form is returned, the Title IX Coordinator mails the Notice of Written Formal Complaint- within 10 days.
Title IX Coordinator: Review the Title IX Coordinator Checklist.
Title IX Coordinator assigns the Investigator and the Decision Maker.
Investigator -Between 10-20 days
Review the Investigator Checklist.
Arrange and Notice the Complainant, Respondent, and Witnesses a date, time, and location to interview each.
Complete a Summary of Interview for each separate interview.
Identify and obtain documents or other evidence necessary for investigation.
Cannot compel medical, counseling, or psychiatric documents. Obtain written consent if the party does want to share those documents.
Send each party, his/her advisor, and his/her parent a copy of the Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Prepare the documents for disclosure.
Redact any confidential information (social security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, student identification numbers, grade levels...) and anything not related to the investigation from the evidence.
Change any student names to Student A, B, C; Peer A, B, C; Witness A, B, C. Redact any non-relevant information from evidence (for example, if you have counseling records, redact anything not related to the issues in the formal complaint).
Once the signed non-disclosure agreements are submitted (from all parties and their advisors), AT THE SAME TIME send a copy of all evidence related to the allegation(s) to the parties and their advisors (if any).
Wait (10) days after the Non-Disclosure Agreement was received for either party to send any written responses to the relevant evidence.
Gather any additional evidence if needed.
Draft the Investigative Report.
Submit the Investigative Report to both parties and the Decision Maker.
Decision Maker
Review and follow the Decision Maker Checklist.
Provide both parties written notification that they can submit written, relevant questions that the party wants to be asked of any party or witness no later than 10 days after receipt of the investigation report.
Complete written Determination of Responsibility and send a copy to both parties and a copy to Title IX Coordinator.
Investigator and Decision Maker Provide all records to the Title IX Coordinator for record-keeping.
Title IX Coordinator
Maintain all records for seven (7) years.