FME students at our Internet Safety Presentation yesterday. Have a great weekend!
about 8 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Great parent presentation by the Attorney General's office on cyber-bullying. You don't know what you don't know until you know it!
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
Thank you to the attorney general's office for helping to teach internet safety to the students of CMES. #CMESROCKS
about 8 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
The Internet Safety for Parents class starts at 4:30 at Fort Mojave Elementary, and is for all parents in the district. Don't miss out!
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
There's an Internet Safety class FOR PARENTS tomorrow at Ft. Mohave's Library at 4:30 pm open to all parents in the district. Come and see what your students learned during their assemblies!
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
Also, please use the survey below to tell us how FME can accommodate you better with ROCK It Club.
about 8 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Tomorrow (1/19) is our Internet Safety Presentation for Parents at 4:30 in the FME Library. Attendance earns a Free Dress Coupon for this Friday!
about 8 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Here's our newest RockMyRide! nominee! You have one week to claim your prize by showing your principal your District App on your cell phone.
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
UPDATE: No routes will be affected by the fire on Kingsley. All drops will proceed as normal.
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
We're getting word that there is a fire near Kingsley and that the roads are closed. If there is an issue and we can't deliver students, they will be brought to the jr. high for parent pick up. Once we know it will be posted here.
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
Congratulations to our latest RockMyRide winner, Debbie Doolin. Mrs. Doolin is the proud parent of a junior high student AND an awesome school secretary at Camp Mohave Elementary. Congrats!
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
Congratulations and welcome to our three new Governing Board members! Pictured here are Paul Perkins, Teri Tomlinson, and James Barber reading their oath of office to President Jason Evans.
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
Our latest ROCKMyRide picture was just posted through the district app. Check it out to see if you're a winner!
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
Here's our newest Rock My Ride nominee: If this is your car, please contact your school office. Remember, to claim your prize you must have the district app downloaded!
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
We've had no one claim their car on our most recent ROCK Your Ride contest. If you have the app, go back and check the newsfeed from the week before Christmas. You can also check the website under LIVE FEED. Be watching for a new vehicle picture coming shortly!
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
FME's Academic Parent Teacher Team Night will be this Wednesday from 6-7 PM. Great reading strategies will be discussed!
about 8 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Great day of staff learning at the Colorado River area schools Professional Development Day. Thanks to CRUHSD and BCESD for the invite!
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
Just a reminder: There is no school tomorrow, January 6th due to an area-wide teacher professional development day.
about 8 years ago, MVDistrict
CMES would like to remind everybody that there is no school tomorrow. The teaching staff will be in professional development classes for the entire day.
about 8 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
CMES wants to remind everyone that our awards assemblies are this morning. Your child's teacher should have let you know if he/she was receiving an award. 3rd Grade is at 8; 4th grade is at 8:30; and 5th grade is at 9.
about 8 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES