As we start the first full week of November, Camp Mohave would like to say thanks to the students because without you, we'd have no focus. Thank you for being a part of our team. #CoyotesROCK
The first week of FME's ROCK It club is in the books! We are filling up, so act fast if you'd like to be a part of the fun!
Here's another great parent opportunity, geared at parents of 10-14 year-olds. Join us 4:30 pm Nov. 17 @Camp Mohave!
And we have our first ROCKin' Your Ride winner. If this is your car, please notify your principal!
Today's the big day! FME will be officially starting our ROCK It Club after-school program !
Calling Camp Mohave Moms. Save the morning of November 15 (7:20 - 7:50) for Muffins with Mom event hosted by the PTO.
Happy Halloween! Today is our Wacky Dress Day, and don't forget! FME's After-School Program kicks off tomorrow after school!
Thank you to all students, parents, families, friends, and staff that made the Fall Festival at Camp Mohave happen. It was a lot of work from both FMES and CMES PTOs, but they did a great job.
FME Thanks everyone for the generous donations towards the Fall Festival. Hope to see everyone there tonight! Monday is our anti-drug, YOLO day. Feel free to wear wacky dress!
Don't forget that Camp Mohave has their ROCK assembly at the school today. We will begin at 8. The assemblies are a chance for us to recognize some of our amazing students for their ROCK choices.
Camp Mohave was super smart today as the students and staff dressed as nerds to remind everyone that we are too smart for drugs. #MohaveValleySchoolsROCK #CoyotesROCK
This starts in one hour! Be there to learn the dangers of prescription drugs and how it relates to our kids.
Thank you Camp Mohave students and families that participated in the Walk Away From Drugs event tonight. All of you ROCK
FME's After-School program will be kicking off on Tuesday, November 1! Make sure you get those enrollment packets in ASAP!
Camp Mohave students got into the spirit of Red Ribbon Week by dressing as twins or wearing their favorite jersey in an effort to Team Up Against Drugs. #MohaveValleySchoolsROCK #CoyotesROCK
Here is the schedule of events for Camp Mohave this week. The themes were selected by student council for Red Ribbon Week.
Thanks to everyone that was present at FME's After-School Tutoring Program Parent Night. First Day: TBA. The turnout was great! Look for Cookie Sale packets coming home tonight from FME!
Red Ribbon Week runs from October 23 - October 31. Camp Mohave will be having themed days to raise awareness next week. Look for the flyer with each theme for the week that will be sent home today.
Worrying about drugs and kids is bad enough, but who knew prescription drugs were so dangerous to kids?!? Learn more next week at the Camp.
Teachers at Camp Mohave are busy reteaching procedures and reviewing expectations as we get the second quarter going. Have you talked to your child about what it means to ROCK at CMES? #CoyotesROCK