Thank you everyone that was able to attend the ROCK assembly this morning. It is always a wonderful way to kick-off a Friday. #CMESROCKS
Mrs. Laurent,local author, presented a writing seminar to Camp Mohave 5th grade students. Both students and teachers enjoyed and were inspired to write.
Bulldogs meet Dust Devils as our Dust Devil for a Day kicks off!!!
Camp Mohave Elementary Sees candy fundraiser
BE ADVISED! There will be no ROCK-It Club at FME November 20 and 21. Please plan accordingly :)
CMES wants to thank the families that were able to make it to literacy night. We always enjoy seeing everyone.
FME's annual Turkey Trot is next Tuesday, 11/21. Look for info coming home about it soon!
Congratulations to all the CMES students who had earned ROCK tickets and purchased items from the ROCK Shop. Today was the first delivery of the new shop. We look forward to many more prizes being earned by the students.
There will be school for all MVESD schools Friday 11/10/17
Lots of energy during recess today at FME!
Mr. Ragsdale making fitness fun at FME today by combining pop music with fitness exercises!
It's that time of year where the weather is all over the place! Let's make sure our kiddos are dressed for the day :).
Good Morning from Fort Mojave Elementary! Only two full weeks of school before Thanksgiving Break!
Looking ahead: The JOM will be closed on 11/10 in recognition of Veteran's Day on 11/11. Please contact your schools if you have special transportation requests!
Just a reminder with our new Chartwells Lunch transition: If a student does not get a school lunch but still wants a milk, it is 25 cents as an a la carte item at FME. Thank you!
FME's Fall Picture Make-ups are tomorrow. If you are getting them done, remember your money and packets! Class pictures will also be taken.
Mrs. Cook's 5th grade class at Camp Mohave build their skyscrapers in a collaborative lesson.
One fish, two fish, red fish blue fish!
MVJH teachers getting into the Halloween spirit!
FME wishes everyone a safe and fun Halloween! Please remember to leave all candy at home. :)