Don't forget that Camp Mohave is hosting its Spring Fling tonight from 5-7 PM. We would love to see everyone there.
This is the LAST day of FME's Penny Drive. Tomorrow we see who gets the pie in the face!
Congrats to our latest ROCKmyRIDE winner Yvonne and Troy Quillen! Slap on a decal and download the app to see the next mystery vehicle to win!
This is the last week of the Adair Penny Drive to see which principal gets a pie in the face on Friday! Who will it be!?
FME's Kindergarten Rally is April 28. First 50 completed Enrollment Packets win a free school shirt - redeemable at the rally!
Crazy wind and dust, and the junior high has to dismiss in this. Please expect buses to be running a bit behind if this doesn't clear up in the next half hour.
Mohave Valley Schools' Kindegarten Rally is coming April 28th. Have a student turning five by August 31? Register NOW!
Recruiting teachers in beautiful, snowy Flagstaff at NAU. Here's looking for some great teachers!
AZMerit testing is coming soon. See the attached for additional information.
FME reminds you that, in support of the Adair family, students may wear a sports jersey or shirt tomorrow for $1. Thank you!
Thank you to the DAR for the contribution of book sets to Camp Mohave. Your partnership and assistance makes a big difference for the students here at CMES.
No one claimed our last RockMyRide vehicle, so here's a new one. If this vehicle is yours, be sure you have the App downloaded, then contact your school secretary!
CMES wants to remind parents that our awards assemblies are tomorrow. 5th Grade is at 8, 4th Grade is at 8:45, and 3rd Grade will start at 9:30.
CMES wants to welcome everyone back from break. We hope it was relaxing and you had an opportunity to recharge your batteries for the 4th quarter.
Page 1 of March Newsletter for CMES
March Newsletters will be sent with students today.
FME Quarter 3 Awards assemblies tomorrow in the gym! See the Event Calendar for details!
CMES would like to thank local author Deb Laurent for her writing lesson with some of our fifth grade students.
Our last RockmyRide picture has expired without being claimed. If you own a red Camry, we're sorry! In the meantime, here's our newest vehicle. If this is your car, contact your school office to claim your prize!
FME's Quarter 3 Awards are this Friday! See the event calendar for specific grade level times :)