Our students had a blast!
Thank you to River Valley High School for hosting our 8th graders for 1st ever STEAM day!
CMES would like to let parents know of our end of the quarter schedule of events.
March 2 - Making Accidents Disappear Assembly (4th Grade Only)
March 7 - Spring Pictures (Free Dress Day if ordering)
March 8 - Internet Safety Assembly (all grades)
March 8 - 3rd Quarter Awards Assemblies (12:40 - 5th Grade; 1:15 - 3rd Grade; and 1:50 - 4th Grade)
March 8 - Internet Safety For Parents (4:30-5:30)
March 9 - ROCK Assembly
March 9 - Report Cards Home
March 10 - 25 Spring Break
FME reminds everyone to be conscious of the weather when sending kids to school. Our weather varies a lot this time of year :).
Camp Mohave Phones are up and working again.
Camp Mohave Elementary is having phone issues, we are unable to receive incoming calls. You can reach the office theough my email. Debbie Doolin - secretary doolind@mvdistrict.net. I will update as soon as this issue is resolved.
Congratulations to Camp Mohave's Gigi Gonzales, pictured with her son EJ, winners of this week's RockMyRide contest. Score $50 Walmart Giftcard!
Who said only students could use the photo booth? Some of the FME team couldn't resist :)
FME's Sweetheart Dance on Friday was lots of fun! Thanks to everyone who came :)
RockMyRide Winner #2. A Push Notification will be sent for this vehicle. To claim your prize show the notification to your school secretary!
Great work from Fort Mojave’s ROCK-It Club!
Don't Forget! FME's Sweetheart Dance is tonight from 5:30-7:30
Due to a domestic issue yesterday with one of our families (handled by MCSO), Mohave Valley Jr. High is using this as an opportunity to practice a soft lockdown today (2/9), which means the doors will be locked. Please contact the school at 768-9196 for entry. Thank you for your cooperation.
Here's another great opportunity for parents!
The district is looking for a reading interventionist paraprofessional at Mohave Valley Jr. High. If interested, please contact Eileen Geyer at 928 768-2507, or, geyere@mvdistrict.net
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Ms. Kimhas kicked off the pennies for patients drive once again. Our school was in the top 100 supporters in Arizona. Send in spare change to help our school help this society.
Got to love February in Arizona! Outdoor preschool lessons :)
FME's first graders are enjoying these warm days... As you can see by them "hanging out" here!
Thank you Trish Ford and Arizona Youth Partnership for the lessons you have taught over the last 3 months to the 4th and 5th graders at CMES. It has been good to remind the kids of some items and give them other tools to better respond to the events in their lives.
FME will be offering a second chance at our Spirit Shirts. There will be a couple more options and some discounted prices :). Be on the lookout!