Our Mojave Tribal students working on their cultural mural in our foyer. It is truly a sight to see❤️
almost 7 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
Thank you to Sheila Sanders of Polly's Chiropractic, Camp Mohave PTO, CMES Sunshine Committee, and to the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe for the massages, meals, snacks, and goodies throughout teacher appreciation week. Your contributions to our school have been amazing and have brightened our entire week. Thank you to our parents who trust in us each day and give us a chance to work with your kids. Our entire community really makes this a great place to be every day.
almost 7 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
Massage Time
Hot dogs, Nachos, and Popcorn
More Goodies
Parents, here's a great opportunity to get out and learn about some of the tough things facing our kids. Good news: It's FREE. Better yet; There will be activities for the kids, so you'll have a built-in baby sitter! Best of all: DINNER IS PROVIDED!
almost 7 years ago, MVDistrict
Parent Night Out Flyer
Our latest RockMyRide vehicle was just posted: Check out the Live Feed and see if it's yours! It's been two weeks without a winner...
almost 7 years ago, MVDistrict
No winner for TWO WEEKS! Folks get your ROCK decals and sign up for push notifications in the District App! Here's our next RockMyRide winning vehicle: Bring your car and your phone to your school to claim your $50 WalMart gift card!
almost 7 years ago, MVDistrict
New ROCK Decal Spotting
FME gives another huge THANK YOU to CoVeu for bring some great sandwiches and cheeseburgers. They were so good, we didn't have time for a pictures of them all!
almost 7 years ago, FMEDustDevils
A huge THANKS to Polly's Chiropractic for showing Teacher Appreciation by giving every one at FME complimentary massages!
almost 7 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Getting loose!
Our 7th and 8th grade TAG students are touring the State Capital and meeting with legislators today!
almost 7 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
Eating for free- can't beat that!
almost 7 years ago, MVDistrict
And the best—-massage chairs❤️👌
almost 7 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
More ❤️
almost 7 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
Thank you to Boosters from the bottom of our ❤️ for our Teacher Appreciation Spa Day! We are relaxed and ready for our last 20 days!
almost 7 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
Mohave Valley Junior High would appreciate parent feedback on how we are doing at the link below https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MVJrHigh
almost 7 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
Camp Mohave Elementary wants to hear from you! We would appreciate your time and feedback by completing our school’s survey at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CampMohave We will use the feedback to guide our improvement. Thank you in advance for helping our school.
almost 7 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
QR Code for Survey
Fort Mojave Elementary wants to hear from you! We would appreciate your time and feedback by completing our school’s survey at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FtMojave
almost 7 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Future ROCK Star!
almost 7 years ago, MVDistrict
Fort Mojave ROCK Stars!
almost 7 years ago, MVDistrict
Kindergarteners ROCK!
almost 7 years ago, MVDistrict
ROCK On, Kindergarteners!
almost 7 years ago, MVDistrict
Future ROCK Stars!
almost 7 years ago, MVDistrict