Thank you to our 2017-2018 MVPs! Mohave Valley Parents ROCK! Christine Ball Jessica Ashmore Nicole Carito-Greer Reyna Adair Mitsie Montijo Kristy Zavala Debbie Hunter Becky Duncan James Delgado Jenny Glenn
over 6 years ago, MV Pride
MVP Winners 1718
Thank You to Paul Perkins and Java Jitters for the coffee’ & fraps.
over 6 years ago, Debbie Doolin
Java Jitters
CMES wants to thank students, parents, staff, and families for an amazing school year. You all ROCK! Thank you for all you do.
over 6 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
Don’t forget: We’re on an early dismissal schedule today! Happy last day of school everyone!
over 6 years ago, MVDistrict
FME wishes our two retirees well as they are approaching their last last day of school!
over 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Retirement Luau!
Christine is one of our many MVPs volunteering in our Fort Mojave Elementary Field Day Celebration! Thank you to all our parents for supporting our staff and students!
over 6 years ago, MV Pride
Field Day FMES
All 8th Graders must be at RVHS by 4:30 PM on 6/6. Students must be present on Wednesday to participate. Students may leave early, but must be present for morning attendance.
over 6 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
Congratulations to the following winners of the Parent Survey Drawing. Nikola Arnott - $25 Target Card Noah Guenther - $15 Cold Stone Card Kyla Hogg - $15 Target Card. Thank you again to all the parents that filled out the survey. AS of this afternoon, there were 66 surveys completed for close to 100 of our students. Your feedback will help guide our improvement efforts as we go into next year and beyond.
over 6 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
Day 1 of water day was fun! 🎉
over 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
water day!
MVP Open House planning meeting scheduled Monday, July 23 at 5:30pm at Camp Mohave Elementary! Join us! “Schools, Families, Community…Working together for Student Achievement.”
over 6 years ago, MV Pride
Congratulations to Jessica Campos, winner of the gift basket at our first Mohave Valley Pride planning meeting. Thanks also to Redmond Construction and Family Care Home and Hospice for donating $100 each to purchase membership incentives.
over 6 years ago, MVDistrict
MVP Winner
CMES would like to thank all the parents that filled out the survey. At the end of the day, we will have the drawing from all the confirmation slips that have been returned. If you filled out the survey, please make sure your child has turned in the confirmation slip today in order to be involved in the drawing. There are 3 gift cards ($25 Target card, $15 Target Card, and $15 Cold Stone Card). Unfortunately, we were not able to make 100 surveys. So, the whole school did not earn the reward.
over 6 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
To accommodate Mohave Valley Junior High’s Promotion (NEW! 5pm at River Valley High School- watch for details), the district will schedule all schools for early-release on the last day of school, Wednesday, June 6th: Camp Mohave will dismiss at 1:15; Fort Mojave at 1:30; and the Junior High at 2:32 p.m. Please mark your calendars!
over 6 years ago, MVDistrict
Mohave Valley MVP Parent Meeting tonight, 5:30 pm at the Fort Mohave Cafeteria: There’s a huge prize basket door prize on the table...
over 6 years ago, MVDistrict
Upcoming FME School Dress: 6/1: Patriotic Dress Day 6/4: Swim attire for PS and Kinder 6/5: Swim attire for 1st and 2nd 6/6: School uniforms
over 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Students at the junior high are practicing their projects for your visit tonight! Join us for a gallery walk of student learning, tonight from 5:30-6:30!
over 6 years ago, Todd Troidl
5th Grade students were able to visit the Hoover Dam as part of their year end reward combined with some of their learning in science and social studies.
over 6 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
Students looking out at the Hoover Dam
Visitor Center
Posing in front of the Hoover Dam
The fifth grade classes are on their way back from the Hoover Dam. As of this time, they will be back in time to ride their regular bus home from school. If you have questions, please contact the office.
over 6 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
5th Grade Leaving the Hoover Dam
Arizona State Representative Regina Cobb, visited our 8th graders today to talk about her career journey. Thanks to Dr. Cobb for an enlightening visit!
over 6 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
Dr. Regina Cobb visits MVJH.
Congratulations to Lazzette Cardenas, our latest RockMyRide winner of a $50 gift card courtesy of Walmart. Mrs. Cardenas has three students who attend Fort Mojave Elementary.
over 6 years ago, MVDistrict
Latest ROCK Decal Winnter