There are eight days of school until Winter Break. FME wants to remind everyone that there is still lots to learn and do, so attendance and ROCK behavior is necessary all the way to break. We're almost there!
about 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
FME’s Night Before Christmas craft night is rapidly approaching! (12/14). Expect the attached flyers to come home soon!
about 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
MVJH apologizes for any confusion as to pick up at the parades end. To clarify, parents should pick up students at Trane and city offices. See you there!
about 6 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
Parents of MVJH students who are participating in the Boombox Parade: end of the parade route is at Trane and Alina’s Way. Students can be picked up there. Look for our amazing Harry Potter Dining Hall float!
about 6 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
CMES and the rest of the district schools are excited for the Boom Box Parade tonight. The school's student council helped to decorate the float and are excited for this evening. We hope to see many MVESD families out this evening.
about 6 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
CMES Student Council  Getting the Float Ready
CORRECTION: East Valley DRIVE and Calle del Media.
about 6 years ago, MVDistrict
There has been what appears to be a fatality in the area of Calle del Media and East Valley Parkway, with a body still present. We are re-routing buses around the scene, but if you live in that area you may want your kids to stay in this afternoon.
about 6 years ago, MVDistrict
From FME: see attached documents for parade rules and the game plan for the night of the parade!
about 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Parade rules
Here’s the plan!
Proud of the district and it’s academic and behavioral accomplishments: These PBIS accommodations were delivered today!
about 6 years ago, MVDistrict
PBIS Awards delivered today.
Look for info coming home about being involved in the Boom Box Parade this Friday! (FME)
about 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Don't forget the calendar change: We WILL have school on January 10 & 11, but NOT on January 17 & 18!
about 6 years ago, MVDistrict
Look for Progress Reports to come home from FME this Friday. We're getting closer to the end of the quarter!
about 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
We'll be back in the swing of things starting Monday: Get your rest, as it will be a solid four weeks until Christmas break!
about 6 years ago, MVDistrict
Let the kids stay up late: No school next week. Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday!
about 6 years ago, MVDistrict
Camp Mohave would like to remind parents and families that today is the last day of school before Thanksgiving break. We will be having our normal early out day (1:00 -1:15) release. However, we also have our family literacy day starting at 10 for 4th, 10:30 for 3rd, and 11 for 5th. Stop by say hi and then have a great break.
about 6 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
MVJHS college visit to UNLV! Bulldogs imagining the college life!
about 6 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
MVJHS Bulldogs at UNLV
Happy Thanksgiving from Mohave Junior High!
about 6 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
Thanksgiving wishes from the JH!
Also, be looking for texts from Mrs. Fields for updates if you ordered cookie dough (from FME).
about 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
The third party delivering the Cookie Dough to FME is very behind schedule. If it is not here by 4:30, we will not sign for it and delivery will be tomorrow. The school will be open and available for pick up until 6 PM tonight.
about 6 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Camp Mohave is excited to host Family Day activities on Friday the 16th. Children will be sharing some of their work with parents. When that is complete, there will be cookies and juice. We look forward to seeing everyone there. 4th grade will begin at 10:00 AM. 3rd grade will start at 10:30 AM, and 5th grade is scheduled to begin at 11:00.
over 6 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES