Getting our shoes and socks and shirts on!
Buses are primed and ready to roll for Backpack Buddies! If you’re confirmed but forgot your info, contact your school office ASAP, as all students must arrive at the event on a bus- NO walk-ins allowed!
Looking for summer meals: Check this out wherever you are!
MVJHS custodial crew working hard and preparing for a new year! Have a great summer everyone!
Congratulations to our 8th grade AVID students and all our 8th graders. Go Bulldogs!
The last tunnel of hope for this school year! Have a safe and fun summer from the dust devils!
Water day was lots of fun at FME! Thanks to the fires department for hosing is down!
Congratulations to the MVJHS 8th grade class! You made it! Parents, please make sure your child is dropped off at the assembly area at 4:30 at the back of the RVHS gym. Thanks to Boosters-especially Mrs. Zavala and Mrs. Hunter for providing the balloon arch and decorations. This special evening will run from 5-6 so that families can go on to have their own special evening! To all our families...thank you for your support in making this a great year. Go Bulldogs!
Thank you to Findlay Auto and Kona Ice for providing the treats along with water during our field day today. The kids were excited and the day was fun. Thank you again for all you do.
Thank you also to CMES PTO for the constant support of our kids. #YOUROCK
Where has the year gone? Tomorrow is the last day of school, with early dismissal times per the normal Friday dismissal schedule. Enjoy your summer break, and remember to read every day!
MVJHS would like to sincerely thank several community members who stepped up to scholarship 20 grateful 8th graders who are now able to participate in our field trip to the AVI. We are blessed to have your support. Many thanks. AVI here we come! Go Bulldogs!
CMES would like to thank all the parents who completed the parent survey. Your feedback gives us the information we need to improve as a school. The winners of the drawing are as follows
$25 Target Gift Card - Allen Cholewinski
$20 McDonald's Gift Card - Danielle Crawford
$15 Subway Gift Card - Karla Rodriguez
The gift cards are available in the front office. If you are unable to pick them up, they will be sent with your child on Tuesday June 4.
Thank you again parents for participating and providing us feedback.
CMES wants to remind parents that Monday is our Field Day. There will be various activities. Some of them include water. Therefore, school uniforms will not be required. However, students must conform to the general dress code. Bathing suits alone will not be permitted. Students must have shoes (sandals are OK). Please be careful not to wear shirts or shorts that become transparent when wet. Hats and sunscreen are strongly advised. Thank you to Findlay for donations of both water and Kona Ice. Thank you to Kona Ice for being a part of our field day.
MVJHS went on a soft lockdown late this morning due to a student’s escalating anger. MCSO rolled out to handle the situation and defuse the student. Classes and lunchtime activities resumed after 20 minutes.
8th grade parents: Currently, we are selling $10 tickets to the AVI(Inc popcorn/drink)for our 8th grade movie field trip on 6/3 and $7 dance tickets on 6/3 to include dinner. So far, we have not sold enough to commit to either event so we may have to cancel. Those who have paid already will get their money back on Friday when we have to make that call.
Reminder to all MVJHS parents: Showcase Night tomorrow night from 5:00-6:30! Take a look at the project based learning our students have been working on....math and business projects, sculptures and roller coasters, fairy tales and social science presentations. We will also have our new Bulldog Lounge open for the first time presented by our Leadership team! Water and cookies served in our new lounge. Join us!
CMES would like to remind parents that our parent survey is still open at The prize drawing is set for 3:00 PM on Friday May 31. The prizes this year are $25 gift card to Target, $20 in McDonald's Gift Cards, and a $15 Subway Gift Card. Thank you to all the parents that already completed the survey and have returned your form.
FME reminds everyone that WATER DAY is this coming Monday, June 3. Make sure your dust devils have wet gear, dry gear, a towel and sunscreen. Look for additional details coming home! 4 more days!
Let the kids stay up late: No school on Monday in observance of Memorial Day. We'll see everyone on Tuesday!
CMES would like to remind parents that we have our parent survey open still. Currently we have 45 completed surveys. We would like to get more turned in in order to have a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the school. We use this data to create growth plans for the school. The survey can be taken by clicking on the following link.
Thank you in advance for participating.