We apologize if you were trying to reach us this morning and couldn't get anyone to answer via e-mail or phone. Our internet was out, but has now been restored. We are here to assist you. Have a great day!
over 4 years ago, Cole Young
In Case You Were Trying To Reach Us!
Welcome Back! School Begins: August 5th 7/24/2020 Parents, Guardians And Community: Thank you all for your attendance and/or viewing of our Board meeting last evening at Mohave Valley Junior High. For those who weren’t able to get the information, the Board voted to start the first quarter using our Distance Learning Model. The specifics of this plan are located within the framework of our Road Map for Re-entry, which can be accessed with the attached link. Please know one of the guiding principles to this plan was the health and safety of our staff and students. Our plan has been vetted by local health professionals, follows CDC guidelines, aligns with the White House guidelines for Opening Up America and speaks to the guidance provided by local, state and national health professionals. MVESD is welcoming both new and veteran teachers back next week as they prepare for school to start on August 5th. Please know that school has never been shut down, only buildings have closed. Distance Learning has come a long way since the end of last year. Please know that teachers are excited to return and meet their students, your children. They will be reaching out next week, introducing themselves, talking about the first day of school and explaining about how the first quarter will look. It is ok to be a little nervous about how all of this is going to work. Our teachers will paint the picture of what the day in the life of Distance Learning looks like and what to expect as we embark on this educational journey together. This is a great opportunity for us to see this as a way to Reinvent, Reimagine and Redesign what we have known traditional education to be, removing the walls of the classroom. We know that in-person learning is what is best for kids; however, our goal is to make the Distance Learning model one that is meaningful and relevant for your child. Our Road Map for Re-Entry allows for maximum flexibility and fluidity, as needed within the framework of instructional models. Our goal is to have in-person instruction beginning the second quarter. Between now and then, we will continue to monitor local health conditions and work with health officials to determine the most appropriate learning environment for the second quarter, and will communicate with parents well in advance for what learning opportunities will be available. Technology and devices will be made available to students and families who are in need so they can successfully engage with their teachers and peers in this remote learning environment. As schools begin to reach out, they will be surveying the needs of devices and internet access. As we all know, the information we are receiving is only as good as the moment it is being given. I think it is safe to say that everyone - staff, students, parents and our community hope to welcome students back to our SMALL. SAFE. Neighborhood Schools. second quarter. Please keep up with District communications via social media and website. Don’t hesitate to contact your child’s school or the District Office if you should have any questions. While this is the most challenging start to a school year that any of us have ever experienced, we are excited to begin the 2020-2021 school year. As always, thank you for being part of the MVESD educational family. Have a great last week of summer vacation! With much appreciation, Cole Young MVESD Superintendent Road Map for Re-Entry: https://5il.co/ilh3
over 4 years ago, Cole Young
Welcome Back!
Special Board Meeting - MVESD Road Map For Re-Entry - Approved. Please use the attached link to download and read the approved plan. Please know that the plan is flexible and fluid and can be readdressed as circumstances change. The plan does not answer every 'what if' question, but provides a framework that allows the District to be consistent in its practices throughout all of our schools. Please share this information freely with our community of family, friends and neighbors. Thank you for being part of the MVESD educational family. https://5il.co/ilh3
over 4 years ago, Cole Young
Special Board Meeting - MVESD Road Map For Re-Entry - Approved. Please use the attached link to download and read the approved plan. Please know that the plan is flexible and fluid and can be readdressed as circumstances change. The plan does not answer every 'what if' question, but provides a framework that allows the District to be consistent in its practices throughout all of our schools. Please share this information freely with our community of family, friends and neighbors. Thank you for being part of the MVESD educational family. https://drive.google.com/file/d/152vmhz6tL7Q-6F64TkNFJFFrPX8S8gpv/view?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Cole Young
Road Map for Re-Entry
over 4 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
At this moment in time, pending Board approval on Thursday, MVESD’s plan is to begin school for students as scheduled on Wednesday, August 5th, 2020, per the 2020-2021 Board approved school calendar. Furthermore, per Governor Ducey’s Executive Order dated June 29, all teaching and learning will take place remotely (distance learning model) for at least the first two weeks of school. Please remember, our information changes frequently. Governor Ducey is scheduled to speak about education this week. We will monitor and adjust appropriately based on his guidance. Student registration is available on-line using our website or call your child’s school for more specific information. Schools will be reaching out as we know more. Thanks you for your patience and understanding.
over 4 years ago, MVESD #16
Watch us on YouTube!
FME is accepting those kindergarten enrollment applications! We’re following social distance and mask protocols, but our office is open!
over 4 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Don't forget to fill out our Back-To-School survey! Your voice counts. https://forms.gle/bMTc6evN347M98sW7 The survey closes this Wednesday at noon (7/16). Spread the word! Thank you for participating.
over 4 years ago, Cole Young
MVESD needs your input!
As we continue our planning process, please provide your input concerning the re-entry of school and what that looks like for your family! Thank you! https://forms.gle/bMTc6evN347M98sW7
over 4 years ago, Cole Young
Please provide your input! Closes July 16th at noon.
The Governor just announced in-person school would be pushed back until August 17th. As more information becomes available, we will post in in the NEWS section of our district website/app.
over 4 years ago, MVDistrict
Random CME Memories. Thank you to all our current and former Coyotes for all you are and all you have done. We miss you every day when you are not here. Be safe, have an amazing summer, and we will see you soon.
over 4 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
AH with giving Mr. Rick a pie to the face
Mr. L on Playground
Noah at Literacy night 2017
Dictionaries from Rotary and Findlay
CME would like to congratulate Kay F and Dora L as the winners in the Survey Drawing. Kay will receive $50 cash and Dora has won a $50 Walmart gift card. Thank you to all the parents that completed the survey. Your feedback really does make a difference. It helps us guide schedule, programs, and more.
over 4 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
This is the last call for CME parents to give your voice to our improvement efforts. The drawing for the winner will take place first thing Friday. The prizes this year are a $50 Walmart gift card and $50 cash. Any parent that has already provided their information upon completing the survey will still be entered into the drawing. As of this morning, we have 72 responses representing 87 students. The link to take the survey is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F975JHL Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
The CMES family would like to express its gratitude to all the parents that have stepped up these last couple of months. This video is for you. Thank you for being on the Coyote team. https://youtu.be/lDx64kfAv4Y
over 4 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
FME Pomotion Parade continued! Our Life Skills team and a few fancy parade vehicles! 🚘
over 4 years ago, FMEDustDevils
Teacher Love! ❤️
Life skills!
Thank you to all of our Dust Devils that came to celebrate in our Promotion Parade on Friday. A big thanks also goes to the Fort Mojave staff who set it up and made a great summer send off! 🌞
over 4 years ago, FMEDustDevils
First grade!
Second grade!
While we had a great turnout for Friday’s drive through photo op, we still have 39 certificate and awards envelopes for our promoting 8th graders. Please feel free to swing by and pickup your 8th grade envelopes from 9-3 M-F this upcoming week. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
CMES wants to thank all of our Coyote Family members that drove through for our 5th Grade Promotion and Goodbye parade. It was awesome to see all the kids again. For 5th grade students, your posters are now available in the front office. They will be available during school office hours 8-4. Stop by and pick them up. Good luck to all our kids that are moving on. I will see you soon for our kids that will be back.
over 4 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES
Congrats to MVJHS class of 2020! ROCKY and ROCKO are waiting to take a pic with you!
over 4 years ago, Mohave Valley Junior High School
CMES would like to remind parents that we still want feedback. Please follow the link and let our school know how we are doing. Your feedback guides our improvement efforts. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F975JHL Thank you to the 60 parents who have already responded.
over 4 years ago, Rick Cottrell - CMES