Veterans Day, first known as Armistice Day, is not a floating holiday. November 11 was specifically chosen for the holiday, as it commemorates the end of hostilities with Germany in World War 1 on the 11th month, 11th day, and 11th hour of 1918.
The holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954 to include veterans of all wars: Although the Federal Government attempted to move it to "float" in order to create a three day weekend (much like Presidents Day), the public outcry, because of the significance of the date was overwhelming, and so the holiday was returned to November 11th.
The district will always honor Veterans Day on November 11, and, when this day falls during the school week, there will be no school. However, when the day falls on a weekend, the district has chosen not move the holiday out of respect for our veterans and the significance of the November 11th date. This practice was started by former superintendent Phil Sauceman, who was himself a veteran and insisted that we honor the original meaning of the holiday. This practice was confirmed this year by the entire governing board, which includes a veteran himself.
For more information on the history of Veteran's Day, please follow this link.