District Schools Earn 2018 PBISaz Achievement Award for Improving School Safety and Positive Behaviors

Camp Mohave Elementary, Fort Mojave Elementary, and Mohave Valley Jr. High in the Mohave Valley Elementary School District cares about providing a positive and safe learning environment for our students and community. The PBISaz Achievement Award recognizes schools for successful implementation and outcomes with school-wide systems of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS). Award criteria required high scores on national fidelity and integrity assessments AND measurable student outcome data.

Principals Rick Cotrell, Patrick Turco, and Charlotte Hansen note that this award recognizes the dedication of school staff and our community to uphold our school ROCK expectations every day: Respect, Ownership, Caring, and Keep others safe. Together we are building school cultures that are more positive, proactive, and supportive for all our students so that they can be successful citizens and leaders of our nation.

Our awards will proudly be displayed on our school campuses and on our website: Camp Mohave and Fort Mojave have earned the PBIS  Merit Award for Tier I implementation, and Mohave Valley Jr. High qualified for the PBIS Bronze Award for high fidelity PBIS Tier I implementation, and four moths of students improvement data. All  three schools are committed to excellence and Creating school communities in which all students can learn, no exceptions!

See each schools' achievement and outcomes at http://pbisaz.org/2018-achievement-award-winners/.