With the goal of Schools, Families, Community... Working together for Student Achievement, Mohave Valley School's newest group, Mohave Valley Pride, or MVP, is set to hold it's inaugural meeting on Thursday, May 31st at 5:30 p.m. at Fort Mojave Elementary in the cafeteria.
"We have some great schools" noted Mandy Waxler, District Director of Special Services, "and we need people to know that. All too often you only hear the negative things happening in schools: We need to find a better way to let folks know the GREAT things that go on every day in Mohave Valley Schools!
The beginnings of the group started with a small but strong group of involved parents at the elementary level. Bringing the three schools together into one organization has been a focus. Those involved initially expressed the potential for schedule conflicts between activities at three different schools. A coordinated group will allow that frustration to be minimized.
Although parents make have taken the lead to start the ball rolling, the group is open to anyone interested in supporting Mohave Valley Schools- businesses, civic organizations, community activists, teachers and staff, and of course, parents- anyone who is excited to help support our Mohave Valley Schools.
For more information, contact Mandy Waxler at 928 768-2507.