Mask Guidelines

The MVESD Governing Board voted to keep the adopted mask guidelines in place for the remainder of the school year. Masks will be required of all staff, students, and visitors while in all District classrooms/buildings and on buses where social distancing isn't possible. Masks will not be required while students are outside during recess or while outside when participating in Physical Education (PE) class.

Update: 4/30/2021




Gov. Ducey's Executive Order 2021-10 -  Face Covering Optional In Schools


Parents and Guardians:


Mohave Valley Elementary School District is reviewing Arizona Executive Order 2021-10, pertaining to face-coverings in school.  The order issued by Governor Ducey rescinded previous Executive Orders regarding the requirement of schools to enforce mask-wearing by students, staff, and visitors; however, the new order does allow for Districts to maintain current practices and guidelines regarding face coverings based on their current health metrics, mitigation strategies, and adopted Re-entry plans: MVESD Road Map for Re-entry. 


There is no immediate impact to Mohave Valley Elementary District's existing guidelines regarding face coverings as the District is currently on Spring Break until May 3, 2021.


Further information will be available about the impact on the District once the Governing Board can convene, review the order, and make a decision concerning current safety strategies implemented regarding the mitigation and safety of all staff and students attending MVESD schools.  The MVESD Governing Board is scheduled to convene in person on Friday, April 30, 2021, @ 5pm in the Governing Board Room located at 1419 E. Willow Mohave Valley, AZ 86440.


Thank you for your patience and understanding while the District gives the new Executive Order from the Governor a thorough review and takes into consideration the local health metrics and safety guidance provided by the Mohave County Health Department,  Arizona State Health Department, and National Center for Disease Control (CDC).  


Please know that the safety and welfare of your child(ren) and our staff is the District's number one priority. 




Cole Young, MVESD Superintendent