The Mohave Valley Governing Board adopted the 2018-19 School Calendar at their February board meeting, held earlier this week.
"In most cases, the calendar remains the same as this year's" noted Whitney Crow, Superintendent. "School still starts the first Thursday of August, and will end on the first Tuesday of June" continued Crow.
The biggest change will be during the first semester: To match the high school's calendar, the district will take the entire week of Thanksgiving off. "Attendance was horrible district-wide during the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving this year" reported District Data Steward Sherri Sanger". With absences running between 25-40% during those two days, we knew we needed to make a change". Other changes:
- The Fall Break was shortened to one week to compensate for the Thanksgiving break
- Winter Parent-teacher conferences were moved into February to give more time to show student progress during the third quarter.
- Two days will be taken off the first week of January to provide teachers the opportunity to participate in professional development activities both locally and in Las Vegas without missing school.
- A two day "quarter break" has been scheduled during the first week of May following state-mandated testing. This will help to break up the fourth quarter that has no other holidays during that time.
For more information, visit the district's web page under the FOR PARENTS tab, or on the app under the DOCUMENTS tab.