Superintendent Update

Superintendent Update: Hybrid Instructional Model - 2nd Quarter



Parents and Guardians:


I wanted to take this opportunity to provide an instructional model update as we move into the holiday season.   MVESD will continue in the Hybrid Model of Instruction for the remainder of the second quarter.  This simply means we will be continuing with our current cohort scheduling with one cohort attending in-person on both Mondays and Tuesdays and the second cohort attending in-person on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  For those of you that have chosen to stream in conjunction with Google Classroom or use our Connections Academy online platform, this also remains the same with no change.  


As outlined in our Road Map for Re-Entry, we are monitoring our state and local COVID-19 metrics, as identified by the Arizona Department of Health Services.  Mohave County is currently witnessing four consecutive weeks in the increase of positive COVID-19 cases per 100k (152, Substantial Transmission), a three-week increase in percent positivity (Moderate Transmission 5%-10%, currently 9%), and a continually growing number of hospitalizations, approaching 5%.  These indicators clearly tell us that we need to continue the Hybrid Instructional Model with caution.  


Depending upon a multitude of circumstances beyond our control, it is a real possibility that we could pivot to a Distance Learning (all-virtual) model for our entire student population at some time during the remainder of the quarter.  We must be fluid in our ability to plan for and adapt to these ever-changing circumstances.  It is our ultimate goal to get all students back to in-person learning with our staff as soon as it is safe for all of us to do so.  


The MVESD Governing Board will revisit this issue on December 8th at 6pm to discuss the current health metrics and discuss what instructional model is best for our students and staff coming out of Winter Break.  This meeting is scheduled to be virtual with the opportunity for public comment to be submitted in advance and then read aloud to the Board during the ‘Public Participation’ agenda item.  We will provide more information concerning this meeting as it draws closer.  Please look to our website and social media for updated information.




Please take the time to review our MVESD Road Map for Re-Entry document to answer more specific questions you may have or call your child’s school office. 


Thank you for your continued understanding, flexibility, and support as we work together to provide your child(ren) the best instructional model taking into consideration the current COVID-19 local health conditions.  We appreciate you being part of our educational family.  We are working hard to return safer and stronger for everyone!

With much appreciation, 

Cole Young, Superintendent

Link to the MVESD Road Map for Re-Entry:


MVESD Website:


Arizona Department of Health Services:


Mohave County Coronavirus Response Hub:


Center for Disease Control and Prevention: