The Boys and Girls Club and MVESD are partnering to support families during Distance Learning starting August 17th. MVESD starts school on August 5th and continues Distance Learning through the first quarter. We are reaching out to our families that are in need of child care that supports your child's Distance Learning experience throughout the work week. The Boys and Girls Club will be open for full-day programming 7:30am to 6:00pm with lunch provided, Monday through Friday. This program is keenly aware of CDC guidelines and will follow social distancing, routine sanitizing, and require face coverings.
If this option is of interest to you, please click the link provided.
Please read through this application, in its entirety, for more information to help determine whether your family will need this child-care option in light of school buildings being closed.
\r\nThank you!
\r\nBoys and Girls Club & MVESD #16