Mohave Valley teachers, students, parents and family continue to adapt to this new way of teaching and learning: Teachers are becoming more proficient at finding appropriate video lessons to support the paper packets, and in many cases we're finding that many of our teachers could become YouTube stars in their own right as they record their own video support for assigned lessons.
Instruction is only one part of our goal as we finish out this school year with our buildings closed: A second goal is to keep students, families and schools connected. To that end, our plan to connect with every student or parent each week continues. We understand that everyone has different access and different schedules, so we will carry on contacting homes in a way that best works for students: Email, text, phone- however we can connect to offer support, guidance, or simply check in. If you need to change your method of connecting, please contact your child's teacher via phone or email: You can visit the district website or app and click on the Staff tab for contact info.
Several of our teachers have begun experimenting with class meetings via Hangouts or Zoom or on other platforms and are having success, to the point that all teachers will begin holding weekly class meetings by the first week of May. Look for "classroom norms" or procedures for connecting online in the homework packets between now and then. For those of you who have worked through an online meeting system, you know there are norms that need to be followed to make things run smoothly (mute your mics! :-). Reviewing those norms with your student so that the first meeting will go as smoothly as can be expected will help, but know it can be done- just ask Miss Proa and her preschool students and staff!
Understand that these will not necessarily be teaching meetings, but rather just a time for students to be able to connect with their teacher and their classmates together, giving them an opportunity to share what they're doing; perhaps share their projects they may be working on or have completed, etc. While it would certainly be best to connect with their own teacher, grade level teams will open up their meetings to anyone at that grade level, knowing that most will have friends and former classmates outside of their current homeroom class.
Watch for meeting schedules and norms in packets next week, and get ready to meet!