School Closings

School Offices will now be manning their phone from 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday: Please leave a message if the line goes to voicemail, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Additionally, if you’re dialing your child’s teacher, feel free to use their direct extension, which can be found on the Directory Page of the app/website.

Meals continue to be served Monday through Friday, either at the school site (including RVHS) from 8-10, or via Mobile Meals: Routes and times for the MM program can be found in the NEWS section on the app/website, and is also posted on our social media pages. ANY child under the age of 18 can participate, and both breakfast and lunch are being served.

The district will start its Alternative Instruction program on Monday, March 30th. Because many people do not have internet in their homes, or even when they do, it’s often on the parents’ cell phone (which is certainly less than ideal to use for small details), all work will be packet-based. Math, Reading, and Writing/Grammar will have 3 lessons per week, and each lesson will include examples of how to complete the skill being presented.   Additionally, digitally-based video support for the material covered in the packets will be provided for those who have access. Science, Social Studies, Art and PE will have one project/activity-based lesson per week. Because all teachers will be working and planning together as a grade level team, all packets and resources will be the same for each grade level regardless of the homeroom teacher.

Assignments for next week will be available this Friday, and on Thursday’s for the following weeks. For weeks 1-3, all assignments will be review or extension-based focusing on the grade’s state standards. Should schools still be closed in a month, we will begin transitioning to lessons based on newer material.

Homeroom teachers will be calling over the next few days to determine which way is best to deliver lessons to families: Anyone with digital access will be able to find the materials online, as well as access to current student curriculum. For those who do not have access to the internet, paper packets will be provided in a number of ways:

  • Picked up at any of the district’s three schools, plus the district office at 8450 S. Olive Ave. for our Mohave Valley families (across the street from the little league fields, down the street from C&D feeds
  • Delivered with the Mobile Meals or Drive-through Meal programs
  • Downloaded from the Internet (links to be provided)

If you have not heard from your teacher by Thursday afternoon, please contact the school ASAP.

At the same time, we believe it’s important to check in with our students on a weekly basis: When teachers call regarding packet delivery, they will also be asking the best way to communicate with your child directly. Beyond providing a time for teachers to talk 1:1 with students about their weekly work, we believe it will also give the opportunity to provide some sort of continuity with the teacher-student connection, providing some stability during these potentially difficult times. Students who participate in special education and reading intervention will also have access to those teachers as well on a weekly basis.

To avoid large groups working at schools, teachers and staff will be working at different hours and from home when possible, making e-mail or voicemail the best way to reach your teacher. Email for all staff follows the same format: last name/first initial For example, Mickey Mouse would be . These are also available via the district directory found on the website/app, as are teacher phone extensions. When dialing during off-hours, simply dial the four digit extension after the recorded voicemail message begins.

Our plan is to make this as smooth a transition as possible. We expect there will be bumps and pot-holes along the way, but know that together we can work through the difficulties to make this the best situation possible for our students.