Working on homework

Welcome to week one back to out of school! As teachers come back to start planning how and what to remotely deliver for instruction, here’s some things to keep you busy: Parents, feel free to adjust these activities for your younger or older students.

  • Read every day (younger students can have someone read to them) for thirty minutes. Write about what you read, and then share orally what you read about each day with someone.
    PARENTS: Ask probing questions regarding their reading, avoiding questions that require “yes” or “no” or one word answers.
  • Work on math facts for 30 minutes each day. Make flash cards of 1’s through 9’s, then run through the stack each day until you have answered them all correctly, or when time’s up. Record your time each day to see how much you improve this week.
    PARENTS: Ask your kids a dozen word problem questions related to the facts they’re studying (I have ten pairs of socks: How many individual socks do I have? I have four quarters, three dimes, and two pennies: How much money do I have? Etc.).
  • Write a thank-you note to someone who’s still working: a first-responder, doctor, nurse, grocery store worker, etc.
    PARENTS: Pick out words from their thank you note, and ask them to tell you antonyms (opposite), synonyms (same), or to tell you describing words (big red flower, brave strong firefighter, etc.).

While you work on these each day, know that we at school will begin working on more thorough work to provide our students related to reviewing and reinforcing their grade level standards. Because we know that not all students will have an internet connection, or perhaps a device that is good for viewing detail, we’ll be working on non-digital packets that can be supported by digital resources. We’ll also be working on a system for checking in with our students regularly. To that end, please make sure the school has up-to-date contact information, including email and the best phone number to call home on. You can do this by logging into your ParentVue account. Don’t have one or remember yours? Watch for details shortly on how best to contact us to get an account updated.  

Don’t forget:

  • Mobile Meals and Drive Through Meals will begin today, Monday, March 23rd. Meals at all school sites in the district, as well as River Valley High School, are being served 8am to 10am daily. Mobile Meals will be delivered to a stop near you: Check out the stops and times in the NEWS section of the district web page or app.
  • School offices are closed to the public, including the district office. For now, questions should be directed through the district office at 768-2507, or via staff email. A staff directory can be found on the district website at  or the app. As school office schedules are developed, we’ll keep you posted.

Finally, if you don’t have it already, download the district app: Directions can be found on the district’s website or social media pages.