Two updates to take note of:
First, the district has applied to offer a food service program that would not only provide “drive-through” meals at each of our sites, but at the same time provide what we’re calling “mobile meals” that will be delivered by school bus mirroring our current activity route stops. This would allow students and families to pick up meals at 33 different locations IN ADDITION TO our three schools. Students can also get meals at most Bullhead City schools, as well as River Valley High School.
Stop times will be posted once the district mobile meal program has been approved by the state. At this point, we anticipate being at each stop for approximately 10 minutes to distribute breakfast and lunch to any student under the age of 18 who is present. As was mentioned in Update #1, students do not have to be members of any particular school or district to participate- meaning if MV kids are in Bullhead City, they can pick up meals at one of their participating schools, and if you have kids under the age of 18 staying with you- even home-school students- they can pick up meals at one of our sites.
Other than that, two issues remain:
- Will Governor Ducey extend the school closure? We have no inside information here, but if you look to Nevada and closing everything down for 30 days- it wouldn’t be unreasonable to find ourselves in the same boat. On a conference call this week, we were told that if the Governor decides to extend the closures, we should know by this Sunday evening. We will keep you posted.
- Will we be required to make up the days that schools are closed? There is a bill in the legislature to allow schools not to make up missed days, but nothing has been passed yet. Once we know, you will know.
We are sticking with our original plan that if we are indeed out only one week (through March 27), we will not provide activities beyond suggested online resources plus the standard “read and practice math facts for 30 minutes a day” recommendation. However, should this go longer, we have plans to have grade level teams create review packets that will help us prepare for state testing- something we would be doing even if we were in school! Again, we are told we will know that by Sunday afternoon.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. Know that the district office is staffed Monday-Friday, 7am to 4pm, so feel free to call or email at any time.